80% sponsored and funded students

50% international students

500 new students every year

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

230 partners around the world

See the map


Specialized Engineering Graduate Degree

Specialized Engineering Graduate Degree

Specialized Engineering Graduate Degree

Ten industry-oriented graduate programs, leading to a specialized engineering degree or an IFP School master’s degree, which are organized into four major fields in energy and transportation:    

 Powertrains and Sustainable Mobility   
 Energy Economics and Management
 Processes for Energy and Chemicals
 Georesources and Energy

Mastères spécialisés

Advanced-master degrees - Mastères spécialisés®

Mastères spécialisés

Advanced-master degrees - Mastères spécialisés®:

Hydrogen Project and Engineering

Geo Data Management for Energy Mix
Combustion Electric and Hybrid Powertrains


Research oriented masters

Research oriented masters

Research oriented masters

IFP School works with French graduate schools and universities for four programs corresponding to specializations or courses as part of the 2nd year of the Research master's program (M2).

Doctoral Theses

Doctoral Theses

Doctoral Theses

Each year, more than 40 new PhD topics are offered in IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) research departments and partner laboratories.
Our 3-year doctoral programs are open to students with a Master’s degree or equivalent. 

Executive program

Executive program

Executive program

Executive Master of Management in Energy


IFP School publishes its first emissions map of the European carbon market

IFP School publishes its first map of greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), showing emissions in 2023.

Map of greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme


Kick-off of the 2024-2025 academic year at IFP School

September 2 saw the start of the academic year for IFP School's Specialized Engineering, research-oriented masters and Advanced-master (Mastère Spécialisé®) programs.

The Class of 2025 at the Château de Vert-Mont


Have a great 2024 summer!

The academic year is coming to an end for all IFP School training programs.

Bonnes vacances à toutes et à tous !


IFP School in the Ma Petite Planète Challenge

From May 27 to June 17, IFP School took part for the first time in the Ma Petite Planète challenge, which involves teams taking on as many ecological challenges as possible with…

Performance d'IFP School - Challenge Ma Petite Planète


IFP School publishes its first emissions map of the European carbon market

IFP School publishes its first map of greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), showing emissions in 2023.

Map of greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme

Kick-off of the 2024-2025 academic year at IFP School

September 2 saw the start of the academic year for IFP School's Specialized Engineering, research-oriented masters and Advanced-master (Mastère Spécialisé®) programs.

The Class of 2025 at the Château de Vert-Mont

Have a great 2024 summer!

The academic year is coming to an end for all IFP School training programs.

Bonnes vacances à toutes et à tous !

IFP School in the Ma Petite Planète Challenge

From May 27 to June 17, IFP School took part for the first time in the Ma Petite Planète challenge, which involves teams taking on as many ecological challenges as possible with…

Performance d'IFP School - Challenge Ma Petite Planète
See more

Aucun événement pour ce mois